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Chicano Resource Center
Chicano Resource Center at the LA County Library

Location & Hours

East Los Angeles Library
4837 E 3rd St, Los Angeles 90022


Monday 10 am – 8 pm
Tuesday 10 am – 8 pm
Wednesday 10 am – 8 pm
Thursday 10 am – 8 pm
Friday 10 am – 6 pm
Saturday 10 am – 6 pm
Sunday 1 pm – 5 pm

Chicano Resource Center Librarian:
Daniel Hernandez

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What is the Chicano Resource Center?

The Chicano Resource Center (CRC) was established in 1976 to serve the information needs of the Mexican-American (Chicano) community and to make information about the history and culture of this group available to the general public.

Subjects covered by this multimedia collection include; immigration, the Chicano Movement, mural art, biographies, folklore and the history of Mexico. Many of the materials are available for checkout.

Know Your Rights

Knowledge is safety, so we’re sharing a Step-By-Step Family Preparedness Plan from the Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC). The plan can be downloaded and saved in both English and Spanish. You’ll also find a downloadable “Know Your Rights” pocket card which you can keep on you for immediate reference if ever needed.

All people in the United States, regardless of immigration status, have certain rights and protections under the U.S. Constitution. Visit ILRC here to download their “Red Cards.” The cards are available in multiple languages and help people assert their rights and defend themselves in many situations, such as when ICE agents go to a home.

Upcoming Programs

What is in the Chicano Collection?

The collection is comprised of books, journals, online databases, subject notebooks, videos, audio CDs, and microforms. Highlights include:

  • Microfilm of Southwestern periodicals and newspapers from as early as the 1600’s.
  • Periodicals from the Chicano Movement including La Raza, Con Safos, and Aztlan.
  • Subject Notebooks with articles covering the major events in the Chicano Movement.
  • Pamphlet files on over 750 subjects with topics that cover Chicano Movement events, Latino leaders, and East Los Angeles history.
  • Political posters from the Chicano Movement.
    eBooks & Audiobooks on Libby

    Chicano Resource Center eBook & Audiobooks: A curated collection of eBooks and audiobooks hand picked by the CRC for or all ages.


    The Chicano community is made up of vibrant voices and diverse experiences, all which come alive through literature. LA County Library’s Chicano Resource Center has curated a selection of books offering insightful perspectives on identity, heritage, and the rich culture of the Chicano experience. Whether you’re seeking to deepen your understanding or simply explore the multifaceted aspects of Chicano culture, our booklist offers a diverse array of materials for all ages, all of which are available at the Library.

    Hispanic Heritage Month

    Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated every year from September 15 to October 15. For more information please visit our Hispanic Heritage Month page.

    Chicano Resources

    National Resources

    • League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC):
      The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the oldest and largest Latino civil rights organization in the United States. Its mission is to advance the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, housing, health, and civil rights of the Hispanic population in the United States.
    • Mexican American Legal Defense Fund (MALDEF)
      MALDEF is the nation’s leading Latino legal civil rights organization. They advocate for Latinx education, employment, voting and immigrant’s rights. Beyond thisA advocacy, they also offer scholarships and feature a scholarship resource guide available on their website.
    • Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF)
      The Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) is a non-profit organization that aims to empower Hispanic families with the knowledge and resources to successfully complete higher education. Founded in 1975, it has since become one of the leading scholarship providers for Hispanic students in the United States. Their website offers resources on college prep., finding the right college and a scholarship locator.
    • National Museum of the American Latino:
      The National Museum of the American Latino is part of the Smithsonian group of museums. While their physical space is not yet complete, their website is a great resource with virtual exhibitions, teaching resources, and a Latino history and culture section.

    Local Resources

    • Cesar Chavez Foundation
      A great resource for all things Cesar Chavez; here you will find history, speeches, photos and more.
    • Calo News
      News and events for the Los Angeles County area Latino community. Includes; entertainment, music, community and cultural community. Includes; entertainment, music, community and cultural events.
    • Mexico Connect
      This site provides thousands of articles and photos on Mexican travel, history, arts and culture.
    • Mural Conservancy of Los Angeles
      The Mural Conservancy of Los Angeles maintains a database of Los Angeles’ Mural History linking artists, murals and neighborhoods. Photos, descriptions and locations are all included.
    • Central American Resource Center (CARECEN)
      The mission of CARECEN is to empower Central Americans by defending human and civil rights, as well as working for social and economic justice and promoting cultural diversity. They offer immigration legal services, citizenship classes, a day labor center and many more programs to help immigrant families succeed.
    • Self Help Graphics
      Self Help Graphics & Art is a nonprofit visual arts center based on the east side of Los Angeles. Founded in 1970, Self Help has played a significant role in the Chicano arts movement. They focus on empowering and promoting the work of Latino and Chicano artists, particularly in the field of printmaking. They are involved in community outreach programs, art education initiatives, and events that celebrate and explore Latino and Chicano culture.
    • Mexican American Opportunity Foundation (MAOF)
      The MAOF’s stated mission it to provide for the socio-economic betterment of the greater Latino community of California, while preserving the pride, values, and heritage of the Mexican American culture.” MAOF’s services and programs include early childhood education, workforce development, health and human services, senior programs, and family services. Their services are not limited to Mexican Americans.

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